Tuesday, May 30, 2006

tulips - the third way

Instead of using my usual popular dj mix app,
I made this mix using one instance of itunes and
two instances of winamp for some three way sonic action.

So enjoy this atmsopheric,
largely electronic based mix.

I haven't got a tracklist for this one
but it includes
Carl Craig (a few tracks)
Aloe Die + Matthias Grassow
Brian Eno
The Books
The Orb
Irresistible Force
The Velvet Underground
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (again, sorry)
Derrick Carter
The Mighty Diamonds

plus a few other interlopers

(one aspect that got away here was my voice,
I was chatting sweet nothings over this mix with my mike,
but fortunately for you it turned out
I was recording wav sound only.)

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