Sunday, December 13, 2015

a short but sweet c w a i p for you special friends and wandering spectral entities
contains odd sounds n weird special effects - absorb the essential qualities of

I got hipss

I got hipss ,
Theyre gyrating
And I’m losing control
Coz the techno
You’re supplying
Is rocking my soul
I did lay on for you a banquet
 And you did feed on the feast
There were murmurs of a lighthouse
 And an old fashioned leather seat.
Worshipping at dawn in a pleasant place
In stillness we gulped in understanding
The universe in our embrace
Then morning laughter
carried on to the day
Show each other the way thru

Emptiness where all is at play

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Jesus and the witch hunter

Witch hunting. What a cruel thing. Yet all the kids are going to see the film. Jesus told some stories and healed with a touch of his hand so they say. Was he executed as a witch? Perhaps.

Anyway here is some music. 
I used Virtual DJ8 
which I now love.
It is truly awesome and free.

The track listing is there but not in order apart from first and last tracks. 
Anyway everything sort of merges together anyway.

I hope you enjoy this mix.
